The kitcar brochures; Ook in't Nederlands
The Leman; French kitcar for Citroen 2cv.
The English Lomax kitcar for Citroen 2cv
Dutch car named Le patron
Burton, new in 2000
The Azelle kitcar for Citroen 2cv; made in France.
Charon from the Netherlands
Made in Belgium, new in 2001.
And the best of all: Hoffmann2cv from Germany |
In 45 jaar heb ik heel wat 2pk onderdelen verzameld. 2cv Parts for sale |
My entirely scanned car brochures about Citroen and Panhard Dit zijn al mijn volledig ingescande Citroen en Panhard folders |
more/meer sites of me on the wwweb |
Citroën 2cv's |